Android studio with dual boot OS: what's it looks like?

I was wondered what if we want to develop some Android app on Dual OS environment. What it would look like? In this post, I've tested with Ubuntu 14.04 and Window 8 environment.  
 I assumed that everyone who came and read this post had an experience of installing Android Studio on Window, Dual OS and mounted Window's disk over ubuntu already. You may recall your memory or find more information here 

For one who never had installed Android Studio on ubuntu, I am writing here step-by-step briefly.

To install Android Studio on ubuntu
If you have any experience on using ubuntu, that'd enough to make it happen. Firstly, As in window system. You need Java IDE on you ubuntu. Check your Java version from the Terminal with command
 java -version

But if you don't have one, Just install it. Oracle and Sun would be happy about that. I recommend you to install the Newest Java IDE which is version 8 at the time I'm writing this post. Using these command. (You need admin privileges now)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

Then now, you have Java. The secound thing about setting up Java is you need to set its environment. use this command to open /etc/environment

sudo gedit /etc/environment

The Text Editor will apper, then you add this line into the /etc/environment. Then save the file.

Next time when you install new version of IDE. It will be your default-java version automatically. So, you don't need to go back to this file and edit Java environment anymore.

Let's start!  Download Android Studio from its official website
At the time I'm writing here the URL to download such file is
If you can not found it, Just search and try to take yourself into the correct official website. The site will detect your OS and it will display the most suitable Software version for you. For example in this case we need some Android Studio installer which suite for our ubuntu.

Extract the downloaded zip file and place it somewhere
Somewhere that you think you can found it easily for Example /usr/local/share or /usr/share or /opt/ something like that. After Extracting, browsing to that directory and then go to ''android-studio/bin'' via CLI

then run the command 
This will cause Android studio to launch its installer. Advice! after installed, Please create its shortcut instantly for you don't need to run this command every time you want to work on Android studio. You can create the shortcut using Tools -> 

(Please allow me not to speaking how to adjust  of the Studio's SDK platfom or SDK Tools because it depended on your own demand. how you'd like to develop your app, what's your marketing style and so on.)

Now Let's browse some Project that on Window disk!

As you can see from the PATH's text box. It is a PATH to my /media/ directory which was my mounted Window disk 

All of my projects over there was create on Window. However when you choose some project out there. You will get this notice.

You will be informed the SDKs path was changed which make sense because the two Operating system have different path structures from each other. By the way, when you click OK the studio will adjust its path and you can work further on your project.

Of course when you get back to your Windows and open up this project. you will be noticed similarly.

When you click ,,OK'' the studio will adjust its path again. For Building and Running my app. I have not faced with any problem yet from doing this. (If I found one, even a minor error or exception, will write a post ASAP). One reason is Java is a Virtual machine structure language.So, it must adapt itself to match any Processor unit environment.  So, I don't worry much about it. On the other hand, it was helpful. I can develop my app not only on my Window but also on my Ubuntu because there was sometime I don't want to launch my VMs.

Well, as usual, thank you for reading until the end. I'm not only fond of writing but also love to read. If you have something similar or a better solution, Please share it to me by writing down on the comment or send us an Email directly. Many Thanks!


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